Virtual Paper Trading

There are two types of Virtual Paper Trading (VPT) that give traders great power and flexibility for testing strategies: Virtual paper trading with historic data and Virtual paper with real-time data.

Virtual Paper Trading with historic data

Traders can validate their trading strategy with historic data that goes beyond back testing reports. Traders can choose which indicators they want to include in their strategy and they can set the rules they want to use to interpret the indicators. They can use subjective indicators alone using the Classic configuration of AbleTrend or they can combine subjective indicators with the mechanical trading system in the AbleTrend. No other software gives you such power: subjective indicators, mechanical trading system, and the means to perform virtual paper trading. The trader right clicks on a bar and clicks on VPT at This Bar to load the VPT Bar.

Virtual Paper Trading with real-time data
Traders can experience real-time virtual paper trading to closely simulate real-time trading without risking any money. This can be very effective with subjective indicators, the mechanical trading system, or a combination of both. The trader right-clicks on the last bar of a chart and clicks on VPT at This Bar to load the VPT Bar.

How to do VPT?

Go to any chart, click VPT icon or Click Tools > VPT

The VPT Bar will pop-up

Virtual paper trading

The items on the VPT Bar are in order of Stop, Play, Speed, Buy, Sell, Exit, Re-do, Re-set, C/B, Setting, Report (Exit)

Stop – stop the bar coming

Play – start to simulate the bar’s coming.

1s Speed – setup the bar coming speed, 1 second to 10 seconds per bar

B Buy – place buy order by clicking a bar, mark a blue up-arrow

S Sell – place sell order by clicking a bar, mark a red down-arrow

E Exit – place exit order by clicking a bar, mark a white cress

Re-do – re do the last trade

Re-set – reset the VPT again, start over

C/B – Default is entry at bar close. Click V/B icon, it will switch to Bid/Ask price, or any specific price on the bar (what you click, what will be the price to enter or exit)

Setting – setup ContractSize, CostPerTrade, and PointValue

Report – show VPT testing report. Close the report, it will exit the VPT. Trade by Trade

Virtual paper trading

Example of VPT Buy/Sell/Exit chart

Virtual paper trading

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