Sweet Spot Entry

What's AbleTrend Sweet Spot

When market prices are near by AbleTrend blue or red stops, these places are called “Sweet Spots”. Because the blue dots that are the key support levels, if we buy here the risk is very low. We should know it’s right or wrong very soon since we are next to the blue dots. We call this type of entry as Sweet Spot Buy (SSB). Also, for the price are near red dots which are the key resistance levels, we will sell here. We call this type of entry as Sweet Spot Sell (SSS). See an example below.

Sweet spot entry 1

This entry is accurate since our AbleTrend stops are accurate and time tested.

In AbleTrendTS, there is special setup S/R alerts, you can specify how far from the stops in value or in percentage (%) to give alerts. See below. 1.0 means price within 1.0% to the stops it will give alerts. Make sure to turn ON alert.

Sweet spot entry 2

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