These functions are not included in version 8.0.
You can skip Part Three unless you strictly use 100% mechanical trading with portfolios such as:
Automatic Order Execution (AOE) account
Managed fund accounts for money managers
Fully mechanically traded accounts for diversification purposes
Fully mechanically traded accounts according to your trading style or trading plan
Please note: 100% mechanical trading is only appropriate for a chart interval of 30-min or above.
If you are not sure if you want the Mechanical or the TS method, review the Trading Strategies Reference Table.
AbleTrend 8.0 provides 100% computer-generated buy/sell/exit signals with sound alerts. Based on the signals, Autopilot Order Execution (AOE) is possible.
AbleTrend 8.0 provides 100% computer-generated buy/sell/exit signals with sound alerts. Based on the signals, Autopilot Order Execution (AOE) is possible.
No complicated charts to interpret.
Colored bars/dots to indicate market directions.
Precise buy/sell/exit signals with sound alerts.
No need to use other indicators.
No need for constantly making changes to settings, once tuned.
A winning system is the foundation for efficient money management
Money Management (MM) is one of the most important issues in trading. MM is not risk management (commonly known as "stops"). MM only deals with trading size - how many contracts or shares to trade while your account balance up or down. Built-in MM routine focuses on Account Management. It could improve the system performance 100% to 1000% with the same buy/sell signals. However, MM is not a trading system—it cannot turn a losing system into a winner. Therefore, you must first have a winning trading system before applying the MM strategy. AbleTrend has MM available as an optional extra only in End of Day Deluxe and Real Time Deluxe Plus software packages.
The Cash Reserve Calculator is used to manage the risk of the trading account.
The Money Management Calculator (MMC) dynamically calculates the next trading size. The trading size is automatically fed to Auto Order Execution. MM greatly compounds the net profits for a winning trading system. Back testing reports are also available for the MM for validation of your trading strategies.
Test the specific market you are trading.
Validate the settings with significant length of days (multiple years).
Click here for information about the back testing report available for AbleTrendTS.