
"I have spent over $30,000 on trading software over the years. eASCTrend is the first piece of trading software that I come across, which is simple to use and has a built in algorithm that actually works and can consistently make money." - G.C. Perth, Australia


Free Offers

FREE PivotPoint/Retracement Calculation (PRC)


PRC is a useful tool used to calculate the key support/resistance and Fibonacci retracement levels in trading. You can use yesterday's high/low/close to calculate today's pivot point; or use today's high and low to calculate today's retracement values. You can also calculate some key retracement values by inputting the high and low of any price range, such as recent upward thrust in daily chart, recent downward thrust in a weekly chart, etc. Click PP for the pivot point values (high/low/close are needed) and click Retracement (only high/low are needed) for Fibonacci retracement values. The titles can be edited to describe the meaning of the PRC tables, such as "Today's Pivot Point", "Daily Chart Retracement", "Today's Range" etc.

FREE Day Trading Examples/Hybrid Trading Method (HTM)


Day Trading Examples include dozens of examples applying HTM which offers traders, particularly short-time-interval day traders, the easy-to-follow trading rules. HTM uses mechanical trade signals (TS/back testable) as a winning framework confirming with eASCTrend2 (T2) and eASCTrendSig (TSig) to achieve higher trading confidence and higher reward with minimum risk. It provides the following:

  1. Chart settings
  2. Main Entry Rules
  3. How to avoid choppy market
  4. Stop/Exit rules

FREE WinTick Basic


Stock picking is challenging in stock trading. At the end of day (EOD). WinTick will single out its Hot Picks from over 10,000 stocks, major futures, commodities, and currencies, etc. WinTick is using time-tested and award-winning (e)ASCTrend Trading Signal technology which could be validated by the back testing reports. WinTick offers 100% computer program generated stock picks. You don't need to download, review or maintain huge databases. Elimination of this job alone will save you a lot of time and money.

Free Video Clips and Online Seminars


These video clips show you basic trading techniques and introduction to eASCTrend 6.0.


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