
"I have spent over $30,000 on trading software over the years. eASCTrend is the first piece of trading software that I come across, which is simple to use and has a built in algorithm that actually works and can consistently make money." - G.C. Perth, Australia



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AbleSys may provide you with the ability to access certain content from third parties, through links to the websites of such other parties or through content that other parties post on the AbleSys website. When you access such third party content, you proceed at your own risk. AbleSys does not guarantee that it will screen such content or that such content will be accurate, free from errors, consistent with what it purports to be or appropriate to fit your needs. ABLESYS reserves the right to screen such content but does not guarantee that it will screen such content. All decisions on whether or not to post, disseminate or remove third parties' content shall be made at ABLESYS's sole discretion. Users are prohibited from using AbleSys service to violate any laws or to violate the rights of ABLESYS or of any third parties. You agree that ABLESYS shall not be held liable for any trading activities or other activities that occur on any website you access through links on the ABLESYS website.



eASCTrend 6.0 can directly use eSignal market data. Voted as the "Best Real Time Data" (1993 - 2006) in a row by Stocks & Commodities Magazine Reader's Choice Awards. eSignal provides online real time streaming financial data.

eSignal DM/AbleFeed data



FXCM is one of the largest non-bank FCM's and is one of the world's largest Forex Dealer Members (according to the financial data posted on the CFTC website). With substantial operations around the world, the FXCM Group has serviced over 78,000 accounts to date and in addition, services over 400 institutional clients from more than 80 countries. FXCM has a proven track record of reliability and success with over 1,500,000 trades executed each month via the FX Trading Station. AbleSys AOE works with FXCM Trading Station. Sign up FXCM Demo Account.


Interactive Brokers

Interactive Brokers, a global electronic brokerage firm, provides active traders, financial advisors, introducing brokers and institutions low cost execution and clearing services for stock, option, futures, single stock futures and ETFs. Commissions are as follows: Stocks $0.01/share, $0.005/share after 500 in the same order, Options $1.00/contract, Futures $2.40/contract and Single Stock Futures $1.00/contract. The IB Universal AccountSM allows customers to trade more than 40 products around the world from a single account.



DTN IQFeed is a real-time, streaming quote and news service with data direct from the exchanges. We own our own ticker plant and our own data centers. Real time and delayed data include stocks, U.S. futures, European Futures, Single Stock Futures, and Forex etc. IQFeed data works with eASCTrend directly. DTN IQ Feed Equities $50/month; $44.50/month when you prepay for one year. For more infomation visit http://www.iqfeed.net/ablesys or call 1-800-511-0096.



RealTick Add-On

Townsend Analytics Ltd. (TAL) Data is streaming real-time market data that provides to online traders, broker/dealers and financial institutions worldwide. RealTick, the trading platform powered by TAL Data, provides you with real-time data on stocks, futures, options, fixed-income securities, and foreign currencies from North American and European Exchanges, ECNs, and dealers—distributed from the exchanges directly to you. This includes internal book information from the Archipelago and Island exchanges, as well as Instinet.


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