AbleTrend Nails the Moves as the Market Heats up
Trading is risky because of the volatility, on the other hand volatility provides opportunities as well. AbleTrend was designed to take advantage of the volatility of the market. Following is today’s NQ chart.
AbleTrend Guidance Chart Rules for Sell Position:
- Small red dots above the bars are AbleTrend TS 1-min resistance levels;
- Red X above the bars are AbleTrend TS 3-min resistance levels;
- Sell when you see red X, red bar and large red dot;
- Exit the market when you see large blue dot
AbleTrend Guidance Chart Rules for Buy Position:
- Small blue dots below the bar are AbleTrend TS 1-min support levels;
- Blue X below the bars are AbleTrend TS 3-min support levels;
- Buy when you see large blue dot, blue X and blue bar;
- Exit the market when you see the large red dot.
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