
"I have spent over $30,000 on trading software over the years. eASCTrend is the first piece of trading software that I come across, which is simple to use and has a built in algorithm that actually works and can consistently make money." - G.C. Perth, Australia


The right way to use eASCTrend software

  • In order to be a disciplined trader, you only trade price actions and patterns that fit our strategies and rules. Not all price actions are tradable. More

  • Patiently wait for the unique price pattern first. You will always have more opportunities in front of you. More

  • Only enter a position at the optimal entry point. More

  • Dynamic trailing stops are the only way to manage your risks. More

  • Spread your trading risks by diversifying your account/strategies whenever you can. More

  • Always put aside 20-30% buying power as a reserve. More

  • Trading is a long-term game. You need a plan and you need to have patience. An instant justification mentality will cloud your judgment.

  • Learn to walk before you can run. Learn all the rules and strategies first. Practice or simulate trades before you trade with real money.


I have been using ASCTrend since April 2003 trading e-mini S&P and making money. eASCTrend training CD is especially helpful. The time I spent on studying the training CD is well worth the effort, it provides excellent modeling to take emotion (fear and greed) out of a trade, improves discipline in adhering to trading rules, and allows me to pick up the winning trades consistently. - E.M. West Point, NY

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