
"I have spent over $30,000 on trading software over the years. eASCTrend is the first piece of trading software that I come across, which is simple to use and has a built in algorithm that actually works and can consistently make money." - G.C. Perth, Australia


View Of Market Challenges And The AbleSys Solution Model

 (3m 10s)

Before you can develop a meaningful trading strategy or solution, you must have an objective view of the nature of market operations. With this realistic view, your solutions will address the necessary issues. First, we must answer the question "Is the market fully analytical or completely random?"

Here is our view and solution:

 Large portion of market (~80%)Small portion of market (~20%)
Market RealityRegular Price PatternsIrregular Price Patterns
Underlying ForcesSupply/demand trendRandom market forces
Nature of Market Can be quantified/predicted Can not be quantified/predicted
Approach to TradingScientificArtistic
How we address the challengesAnalytical software/systemHuman discretionary judgment
Execution methodMechanicalJudgmental
The advantage in solutionObjectivityHuman intelligence
Impact to performanceImportant most of the timeVary critical some of the time

Conclusion: The Market should be traded mostly with time-tested analytical software/strategies and with limited but critical human intelligence. The Hybrid approach (analytical software plus human intelligence) is more appropriate here.

Trading Strategy


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