
"I have spent over $30,000 on trading software over the years. eASCTrend is the first piece of trading software that I come across, which is simple to use and has a built in algorithm that actually works and can consistently make money." - G.C. Perth, Australia


End of Day Version

eASCTrend End of Day (EOD) version is specially designed for people who have a 8 to 5 job, and can only trade at night. Portfolio trading with daily charts of the EOD data is ideal for those people. The EOD version works with eSignal EOD data or CSI's ACII format data files. It has all features of eASCTrend Deluxe Plus. The only exclusion is that it works with EOD data only.

Trading system parameters (TSPC and DEV etc.) are automatically selected by running back testing with 5 to 10 year daily charts. After the parameters are selected, they will be fixed for the coming year trading. To hold many positions over night, you must have a time tested trading strategy that it gives precise buy/sell/exit signals. It provides back testing reports to know the profit factor, maximum drawdown and other key factors. The core is the eASCTrend trading system. Without this basic guidance trading portfolios became very risky. With eASCTrend EOD version, you could trade like a pro. Its cost is less than $100/month. This tool is designed for professional traders, such as fund managers, CTA and CPO. Now it is available to you at a bargain price to what you could win or loss in trading.

BackTesting Reports

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