
"I have spent over $30,000 on trading software over the years. eASCTrend is the first piece of trading software that I come across, which is simple to use and has a built in algorithm that actually works and can consistently make money." - G.C. Perth, Australia


Why HTM Works:


  1. Back testable TS sets the winning framework so that traders' confidence to follow the system could be increased dramatically. We all know that confidence in trading is the key to success.

  2. Highly accurate T2 predicts the market direction so that you are most likely on the right side of the market -- high winning rate.

  3. Signal agreement helps to avoid choppy market and captures the trend in its early stage.

  4. C.A.R.E defines the high reward, low risk optimal entry point for both trend-following traders as well as trend-following scalping or low-risk scalping.

  5. Specific HTM initial stops, trailing stops and exit stops offers minute-to-minute trade management. They further help to minimize the human discretionary element in risk/exit management. They also improve the profitability by introducing more discipline in risk/money management.

  6. HTM is also flexible in incorporating traders' experiences in trading so that the most difficulty and critical market price actions could be dealt with by human's brain and naked eyes.

  7. HTM is a detail and practical operational trading plan to execute the popular saying in trading -- "cut loss short and let profit run".

  8. In conclusion: HTM is a perfect match between its solution model (large part system solution with limited human discretionary) and market nature/reality.



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