Optimal Entry Point:

"Small-size colored bar near agreed T2". The first time TS showing up indicates that this is a beginning of a possible new trend (In case of buy/long, cyan/light blue dot on a fresh blue bar -- after the red or red/green bars). The move will be followed by a pull back (a few green bars near agreed T2 with lower volume-- fresh cyan dots below the bars are shown). What we are looking for is the reappearing color bar (blue in case of buy/long). The bar should be above T2 and the size of the bar should be relatively small so that you initial risk will be small. Sometimes, you don't necessarily get the green bars after initial blue bars with volume build-up. This typically is an indication that the trend will be relatively strong. You may consider taking a chance if you see some small size blue bar(s) with agreed T2. This approach is best used after a long period of consolidation.

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